Power of prayer

Less than a year ago, I photographed André & Susan for the fourth year in a row on a hill top not far from home. Susan showed up looking absolutely gorgeous - in a purple dress, her beautiful hair glowing red in the sun. She is the kindest woman I know. I loved that session so much! They ran, they kissed, they laughed.

The sun was setting and our session ended, I packed my gear away. As we walked towards our cars, the skies turned into a beautiful scene of pink clouds against blue heavens. We stood in awe. The air was heavy with promise. I prayed, and prayed and prayed - that when I photograph them again, there will be a little baby in Susan's womb. I took one last photo of them against the pink and blue skies. A photo full of hope. I'm sure my prayer was but a drop in an ocean, but here they are, less than a year later, with Susan's hair still as gorgeous as last time, and expecting a little girl, Anja. What a beautiful world we live in, where prayers are answered, on His time. We can not wait to welcome you into this beautiful world, Anja.

Be sure to scroll right down to the last images - a reminder of the power of prayer.